Successful people are passionate about their work and the activities in which they engage. Joe’s passion is a key driver of his success. Joe strongly believes in having “passion for what you do and use your coworkers as a team for support and guidance.”
“Advocates makes my life better. It [the agency] is good.” – Andy
“My Mentors guide me in making decisions on my own.” (Lindsey)
“It is so rewarding to know that what I do is making a difference in someone’s life.” Traci (Lindsey’s Mentor)
Jose is employed by Advocates as an Administrative Assistant and is admired by his co-workers for his work ethic and enthusiastic interactions.
“Advocates helps me to do the things I like to do, meet goals in my life, and overcome my fears.” – Jose
“Because of her Mentors, Kathy gives much more though in her decision-making and the support she receives from Advocates is purposeful.” – Kathy’s Mother